Tuesday, 28 June 2011


I say I'm bored so I either:
  • Eat
  • Drink
  • Watch NCIS
  • Dance weirdly round my lounge
  • Hang upside down from the edge of my bed
  • Convince myself that I'm going to find something really interesting to do
  • Text lots of people
  • If none of those cure my boredom I often end up taking photos. No, not of myself but of things around me. Photos that I've taken a million times before.
     Like this one: 

So one day, I was thinking 'Now Nathalie, what could cure your boredom?'. So I looked up Horley Tennis Club and emailed the guy who works there. He told me that I could come down and take some photos for my portfolio for collage. So now I have a kind of job taking photos for the tennis club. This means that I have met a lot of great new people and have some really good action shots for collage. 

Another day, I decided spontaneously that I would go to the library and read a book. I have always wanted to read Dear John so I decided that was what I was going to read. So I packed up my laptop and my glasses and headed down to my local library, found Dear John which is written by Nicholas Sparks and sat in quiet corner of the library. Dear John is defiantly one of the best books I've ever read and I seriously recommend that you read it too! 

See what you can do when you're bored?! 

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