Tuesday, 28 June 2011


Love is so over rated.

Back in 1900 - 2000, love was respected. 'I love you' wasn't thrown around like a bag  from Woolworth. Now'a'days love is said every time people get together.
'Will you go out with me?'
'Yes, I love you'

My great-grandmother was telling me that she met my great-grandfather when she was 16 and he would not  kiss her until they had 'courted' for at least 2 months. She said that he used to kiss her hand instead of kissing her because he respected her. They used to go to the cinema and drive to spots and just talk for hours. My great-grandfather asked her fathers permission before he proposed to her. She stood between him right till the moment he passed away.
That is true love.

What happened to that side of love? Huh?

Now, girls are treated to a McDonald's drive through and a quickie in the back seat of a stolen car. I understand that what I'm saying isnt the same for all relationships but guys and girls in this day and age think that it is respectable to be chauvinistic pigs and sleep with whatever moves. If men/women were respectable of not only themselves but of other people, Jeremy Kyle would be out of a job.

I'm not saying I want to have the perfect 'The Notebook' romance. I just want someone to take care of  me when I'm feeling down, I want someone to text me and ask me if I'm okay. I want to be there for someone and know that what ever happens we'll be there for each other.

Boys and girls need to take a good look in the mirror and ask themselves if they think that they are doing he right thing by their girlfriend/boyfriend and if it's a no, then change. It's not hard to text somebody or walk to their house to comfort them.

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