Tuesday, 21 June 2011


Well Twitter,

I first joined twitter in November of 2010 and I have been addicted ever since. The reason that I first joined Twitter was because of Aiden Grimshaw; I appreciate how sad that is but it's true. He was like my obsession for ages and I thought that I was more likely to get recognized by him if I had Twitter. But as time progressed I met some amazing people on Twitter and realised that people do actually care about you and there are some genuinely nice people in this world.
Now apart from the fact that I adore twitter, it's such a good social networking site. You don't have to share pictures, locations or anything with people. In addition, you don't have those annoying little people who post EVERYTHING on your time line. Twitter does not invent random viruses that fill up your wall.

On twitter you meet amazing and inspirational people like Steve Williams and Joy Dodson who are in a long distance relationship and they have been since 2009. Steve lives in England and Joy lives in France. He tweets things that are funny, intelligent and makes people believe that love still does exist. Through Twitter I have realised that love comes to you, you don't go finding love. They're always so happy and it makes me reassured that one day I will find what they have.
Steve's Blog:
Joy's Tumblr:

I have met amazing people through Twitter and it's made me open up to so many different ideas. If you are reading this and don't have Twitter, get it!

Follow me on Twitter at:


  1. Aww, this is so true and amazing. Thanks for the compliment btw :) You rock, girl!

  2. Thank you for reading it Joy :)
